Are Siamese cats expensive?

Siamese cats remain one of the most popular cat breeds in the US and around the world. Your purchase cost may vary depending on your breeding pedigree, your color, and other factors. So is the Siamese expensive? What costs are involved other than the purchase price?

Startup costs

The first choice you make when it comes to getting any breed of cat is whether you want to adopt a kitten from a breeder or rehom an adult cat, either from a breeder or a shelter. Rehoming is generally cheaper than buying a pedigree kitten, but the cat’s pedigree is less likely to be known. They’ve also likely been neutered or spayed, so they won’t be good if you’re planning your own breeding schedule. On the other hand, if you want to do something good and take in an animal abandoned by someone else to be a loving and interesting companion, then a cat from a shelter will be ideal.

Assuming you want a pedigree kitten for show or breeding purposes, you can contact a local or national cat registry for details of local breeders. Talk to a few to get an idea of ​​the cost of their kittens and also their pedigree. Prices can range from hundreds to thousands of pounds depending on the kitty’s lineage.

Other costs

Purchasing a cat isn’t the only cost to consider before beginning the process; there are ongoing costs to think about. Yes, there’s the bill for food, kitty litter, toys, and cat furniture to buy on an ongoing basis, but there’s also vet fees to consider.

As a general rule, Siamese are relatively healthy cats and do not have the problems associated with long-haired breeds like the Persian. Many of the genetic problems that once plagued the breed are much less common due to the diligent work of breeders to remove these genetics from the breeding pool. Kittens that have these problems probably won’t be sold to anyone planning to show or breed them for obvious reasons.

Siamese are on the list of breeds that are more prone to developing respiratory problems, particularly in younger cats. These include infections caused by calicivirus and feline rhinotracheitis virus. This is often because adult cats have received their vaccinations that save them from infection, but younger cats may not have received theirs yet.

Excessive grooming or psychogenic alopecia is another problem that can occur with Siamese twins if they feel lonely and bored. These cats are very sociable and do not tolerate being alone all day long. Therefore, this must be taken into account before purchasing one of this breed.

According to pet insurance providers, Siamese are the most expensive cats in the US in terms of veterinary fees. Since the year 2000, there have been more than $74,000 in claims for Siamese cats with an average bill of just under $400. However, this statistic must be balanced by the fact that the Siamese are also one of the most numerous cat breeds in the country.

Finally, there are vaccinations that cats need to be given regularly to prevent general and life-threatening diseases that cats can contract. If you plan to breed or show cats, these are a must, but still very essential to your cat’s well-being.


Siamese twins can be expensive in terms of your initial out-of-pocket and ongoing care and health issues. However, they are not on the list of the most expensive breeds, with the Savannah currently at the top: the purchase price of one of these cats can range from $15,000 to $35,000. A cool cat!

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