Angels working in your life

Most people believe in angels, but people have different ideas about them: they are far away, they only come to protect us, they existed more in the past, they are a nice decoration during parties, or that seeing them one day when they arrive at the heaven.

So let me tell you about angels.

They are real and they are around you every minute of the day, at least your guardian angels are. And yes, you have more than one. You may not know of their presence, but I can promise you that they are there. They will not interfere in your life except to protect you from harm if it is not your time to go. However, they are waiting for you to ask them for help, and when you do, be prepared.

Angels are made entirely of love; They are messengers, guides, protectors, animators, supporters,
inspiring and reassuring gifters, miracle workers, agents and instructors who will gladly instantly come to your aid with just your thought. They have become my best friends and I cannot imagine life without their daily guidance.

When you have an intention (thought), the universe immediately springs into action and begins to align with the vibration you feel. This is why all thoughts create your life, so if you have fearful thoughts, you create fearful (negative) situations, but if you think from a place of love, you create wonderful (positive) things.
experiences. That is where the angels come in, when you create from love, because they are by your side to help you every step of the way, if you only ask them to.

I am in communication with my angels, the archangels and the ascended masters all day every day. We talk all day and when I have a problem or challenge, I call immediately for guidance. They have never let me down and always respond in divine timing if I just listen. Sometimes they make me laugh, sometimes they surprise me, sometimes they amaze me, and they always come from love. Sometimes I just ask them to stay with me all day because I enjoy knowing they’re around, or I recognize how much I appreciate and love them. That knowledge creates a deep serenity.

I started listening to them years ago, but I didn’t know who or what they were. When I realized who was talking to me and that I wasn’t going crazy, a whole new world opened up for me. The beauty of this is that you can also work with your angels. Some people can hear them, some feel them, and some see them. They have hurt me listening to them, seeing them and feeling them. But the key is to listen to their messages.

What is it like to work with angels?

I have invoked the angels of writing when I have been asked to write an article or a book, and amazing things come to my brain, sometimes words I have never used before. They have comforted me when something upsets me and given me signs when I asked for them. It could be a feather placed strategically nearby or the appearance of a coin on the ground in front of me. (Apparently they like to use those signs) You might notice a candle flame flickering but there is no wind or moving air. Lights may flicker, something brushes against you, or you may suddenly feel heat around you or see light from an unexplained source. You may suddenly hear a particular song on the radio that gives you information or see certain numbers repeated over and over again, perhaps the number of the new house that you haven’t seen yet but that the universe is in the process of bringing to you. Here are some examples of angels at work.

1. My boyfriend and I kind of had a disagreement. There was this period of silence that followed, and she couldn’t break it. So I asked the angels to take over and finally gave up trying to fix it. Immediately after I handed over the control, they started working on it, talking to it and, believe it or not, waking it up. He kept trying to go back to sleep but they followed him until he got up; the rest you can probably guess.

2. My angels were telling me to put my house up for sale some time ago. It was just before the holidays and not a good time to do this, at least that’s what I told them. But they insisted and I discussed my “case” with them until one day I gave up and put up the for sale sign. But guess what…months passed and no sales. Every time I asked them what was going on and why they told me to do this to no avail, they told me to be patient. Wow, that again. I finally relaxed and waited. The house took a total of 6 months to sell, but in the end the things that developed were amazing. My youngest son was going to buy the house, but he wasn’t ready and neither was I to let her go. None of us knew this part of the story at the time.
I grew a lot during the experience and it was an example of patience and trust in the process for my real estate agent, part of the reason for the experience. I was upset with the progress, but I knew a bigger picture was developing.

3. I have sent angels to help others when they are in difficulty. Sometimes the person tells me that he felt his presence, but even if he doesn’t know it, I know he is there. How? Because the situation is resolved in an amazing way that often surprises the other person. Or maybe I asked for peace to engulf the person without their knowledge, and when we talk later they mention how an incredible feeling of peace suddenly surrounded them, about the same time I sent it through the
angels The angels want us to be happy and enjoy life, so they will do whatever they can to help us, always in a way that lifts us to higher levels, if we just ask. They love to make us smile!

4. I can ask for insight or clarity and within a short period of time things come to me that I never would have thought of. That’s why I said earlier be ready if you
ask for your help. Sometimes they keep me up at night with so many thoughts and ideas. I’ve asked them why they do it then and they just smile and say “everything is fine”. And you know what? Even if I barely sleep, I’m always fine!

5. One day I was driving my car and even though I knew my gas was running low, it had slipped out of my busy mind and I had driven almost all the way home before realizing I hadn’t stopped for gas. This was not my usual pattern and when I was out for a couple of hours
later for another destination, I noticed almost immediately that my low gas light had come on. Since my car was fairly new and I had never let it go that low before, I wasn’t sure how much gas I had left. I admit I felt a bit panicked for a moment since I wasn’t near a gas station and I was out in the country. But I caught my thoughts and switched to asking the angels for help. I continued driving and suddenly noticed that the low gas light was no longer on and the needle had risen to a higher level than before. Now I have heard stories like this before, but this was a first for me. I chuckled all the way to the gas station and continued to thank my angels for their help throughout the day. The needle on the gas gauge never dipped lower for the rest of the trip to the service station. There was no doubt in my mind that my angels had been at work here.

Here is an important key.

When the angels help you, or even when you ask them for help, thank them immediately, even before the request has been granted. They want to feel your appreciation and they should receive it.

Help and guidance are a thought away

They are waiting for you now. Ask them to make their presence known to you, or ask them for a greater awareness of spiritual perceptions. Ask them to bring you the desires of your heart as long as those desires come from a place of love. They will bring you what you want, or something better! Do you need help making a decision? Are you longing for a life partner? Could you use a different job but don’t know how to find it? Are you worried about finances? Are peace and serenity something you would appreciate right now? Ask your angels to bring it to you, because they are waiting for you to ask.

All of my work (integrity training, energy work, speaking, writing) is a direct result of my communication with my angels. This is what I wish for you, and when you open yourself to it you will be amazed at how extraordinary your life becomes from that moment on.

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