25 extreme tips to save money

1. Clip all the coupons you find, even if you don’t need them. Sell ​​surplus coupons on an online auction site or trade them in for something you need with friends and family.

2. Pick up the little red rubber bands mail carriers leave outside your local sorting office.

3. Cut the toothpaste tubes to make sure you get every last drop out.

4. Charge your mobile phone and anything similar while you are at work.

5. Grab all the sauces, salt, sugar, milk, and any other freebies available at your local fast food restaurant.

6. Pick up every penny you find on the pavement.

7. Turn off oven five minutes before item is ready. Put a jug of water in the oven to boil in record time if you want a cup of tea with your dinner.

8. Encourage your children to learn a trade and save yourself a few shillings in the future! My personal picks would be a plumber and an electrician.

9. “Minesweeper” drinks if you’re partying.

10. Always keep an eye on what people put in their bins.

11. Remove the stems from fruits and vegetables you buy at the supermarket so they weigh less in the box.

12. Unwrap gifts carefully so you can use the paper in the future.

13. Always remember the golden rule of water frugality: “if it’s brown, throw it away, if it’s yellow, let it soften.” Also be sure to brick the cistern to minimize the amount of water per flush.

14. Get a part-time job as a pizza delivery boy. They almost always give you free food as a benefit, helping you keep your personal food budget down.

15. Spend free time in the library. This way you can leave the heating off at home.

16. Make your own gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

17. Buy yourself a pair of clippers and keep your hair very short. This not only eliminates the need to visit a barber again, but it also keeps your shampoo bills down (and you should never buy fancy shampoo when a regular bar of soap will do anyway).

18. Always sneak your post in the office lot.

19. Make sure each tea bag is used at least twice.

20. Take the lead of the students and hang items that need to be kept cool outside the window in a carry bag during the winter months.

21. Always visit your mum at tea time.

22. Call cell phones and then hang up. Nine out of ten people will call you back and save you the bill.

23. If you have showers at work, always use them before you come home.

24. Save all envelopes from junk mail and use them in the future.

25. Use grocery bags to store trash instead of expensive black trash bags.

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