Real Estate

Lease of cell tower The kiss of death

The excitement of receiving a cell tower lease from a cell tower developer is quickly replaced in many cases once property owners realize that the nice person talking to them doesn’t have their best interests in mind. interests, nor are they interested in selecting the best site from a zoning and coverage perspective, they are…

Shopping Product Reviews

What to sell online: 3 infallible products/services that generate A LOT of money through the Internet

The most important thing to appreciate with the “Internet” is that, in the end, it’s people looking at things. These people are not cattle, sheep, or lemmings. They have aspirations, ideas and experiences of their own. They are using the Internet to connect with people of exceptional quality or experience. This is the true value…


Dog Grooming Tips for Better Health and Wellness

Good grooming is more than just having a smart dog. You can handle possible health problems. Therefore, dog owners need to learn how to groom their dogs. It helps to identify health problems at an early stage and treat them successfully. dog eyes The dog’s eyes should be bright, white, and without crusts. The eyelids…

Tours Travel

First DUI in Florida

With the hardline stance taken by Florida police regarding driving under the influence, a suspected DUI charge can have massive ramifications on your life. A conviction can create unwanted problems with your professional, social and financial livelihood. Taking the time to develop an understanding of what the state laws entail should give you a more…

Digital Marketing

The complexities of social media marketing

There are two ways of looking at social media marketing. One works, the other doesn’t. what doesn’t work The business marketing approach, this is the most common approach. Because “old school” business owners easily understand this. That is, your social marketing content is distributed with the intention of promoting the business. It’s just another version…


Removing a double DIN

Looking for easy tips on how to remove your car stereo? Then look no further! Whether double DIN or single DIN, you can do it in just 5 easy steps. If you want to know more then you should read this article. For car owners who need to remove their factory stereo for replacement or…