Real Estate

Not All Cash Flow Investment Properties Are Created Equal – Get the Right Combination of Financing and Return on Investment

Cash is cash, but some cash flows are better than others, and easier to come by, especially when it comes to buying residential real estate investment property. For example, compare a 6 unit apartment complex with a triplex and a single family residence (SFR). 6 unit complex $280,000 purchase price $3600/month rental income Triplex $150,000…


Do you know how to spot a pervert online?

I hate to say it, but yeah, there are perverts online too! Therefore, take the necessary measures to ensure that you do not invite anyone into your world. And if you have children it is your responsibility not to expose them to your bad decisions. Okay, we need to know how to spot a pervert…


Transform your commercial holiday greeting card into a powerful sales and marketing tool

The holiday season is a perfect time to solidify business relationships: express appreciation to existing customers, reconnect with old customers, and reach out to potential customers. Your greeting card, if thoughtfully sent, can be a subtle but effective marketing tool for your organization, and can express to your contacts how much your company values ​​their…

Home Kitchen

Country house style interior design

Antique Indian chests lined with iron straps and brass medallions, chic country house interiors update their style simply by using old wooden hope chests turned into functional coffee tables that have the added value of storage. Some are intricately detailed with elephants and horses telling stories of the Spice Route, and others are painted with…

Health Fitness

Do elephants eat cows for protein?

By far the most common question I hear is: “If I don’t eat meat, or eat a lot of meat, where do I get my protein?” Sounds familiar? Let’s cut to the chase: the protein chase. I’m a simple girl, so I ask simple questions. I don’t make it complicated, complicated confuses me and the…

Legal Law

Eight basic asset protection techniques

As with any other major transaction, it is always recommended that you seek the advice and attention of an attorney when creating and implementing your estate plan, but whether through laziness or financial incapacity, many Americans still do not plan for the protection of their assets. estate. assets. If you can’t get an estate planning…