
Bad Little Falls by Paul Doiron – Thriller – A Maine Ranger, Drug Dealings, Freezing, and Murder

Award-winning mystery author Paul Doiron returns with his third book featuring Maine Ranger Mike Bowditch. On Little bad fallsBowditch’s affinity for murder investigations beyond the scope of his authority thrives. The Warden Service reassigned Bowditch from the central Maine coast to Bad Little Falls, in the interior of Washington County, near the Canadian border. Bowditch…


Wonderful business facts with the best business lawyer

Particularly in startups, many incumbents tend to hire an attorney to run their business seamlessly. However, the goal of hiring the best business attorney may not be so superficial. A good business attorney will provide energetic support in almost every phase of your organization, from the basic zoning agreement, exclusive rights and trademark instruction to…


How can children help around the house?

When my husband was in college, several of his fellow students brought his dirty clothes home and Mom would come once a month to clean his room. This was not because they were lazy, but they simply did not know how to do laundry or clean the house! Don’t let your children become like those…