
Dog training: they are NOT disposable

People tend to have the mistaken belief that domestic dogs (and cats) are perfectly capable of instinctively existing in nature. Well, let me tell you, they are not. Part of the training wild animals receive from their parents / herds / herds has to do with hunting and obtaining / stalking prey. They don’t get…


Ideal Apartment Dog Breed The Miniature Goldendoodle

Dogs have been bred over the centuries to perform tasks and to keep company. In fact, humanity has been living with dogs for about 14,000 years, using them as hunters, guards, soldiers, shepherds, guides for the blind, and pets. The friendly Golden Retriever / Labrador Retriever and Poodle breeds were bred to create a dog…


10 steps to coping with the loss of your pet

Sometimes special animals come into our lives and touch our hearts in a way that leaves us forever changed. One chapter ends when the familiar road they traveled together comes to a steep y. You are in uncharted territory without a map. Lost. The world as you know it may seem totally different. Not everyone…


Animals in distress: they are still suffering

A few days ago, a beautiful dog was taken to an enclosure scared and trembling. A Good Samaritan witnessed the young men abusing the dog in a park and took her to the nearest enclosure. They were kicking and intimidating her. It was heartbreaking to see the tears in the dog’s eyes as she sat…


Foster a rescue Pug

Pug Rescue Facilities are individuals or organizations that rescue Pugs from less ideal environments. The advantage that Pugs have when they end up in a Pug rescue facility, as opposed to a facility that rescues a variety of crossbred dogs, is that the people who run the facility are experienced in handling Pugs. They know…


Should you allow your dog to lick you?

Do you like to allow your dog to lick your body and face? While some pet owners find the idea of ​​being licked disgusting, others find licking a loving gesture that helps them bond even more with their pet. However, if you like to allow your pet to lick you, you may want to think…