Legal Law

The flow of natural resources and raw materials

There are many reasons why we should be harvesting our own raw materials that already exist in this country, instead of importing them, whenever feasible or possible. When there are reasons that prevent us from harvesting those natural resources within our own country, then and only then should we look to our trading partners to…

Real Estate

How to find a concrete contractor

I, like many other homeowners, worry about who to call when I have a home repair or remodeling project. Most people just use the phone book or the Internet to find a contractor, but that’s like flipping a coin. You’re not going to get the best result from doing that. I have an old house,…


the best there was

In the annals of sports, in each one in particular, be it basketball, baseball or otherwise, there are those who are revered by their peers and sportswriters of all generations who award an individual as the best there ever was. In professional football, it’s only fitting that now, during the current NFL season, we look…


Twenty Ways to Make Social Media Work for You

What are social networks? Social media is a term used for various web-based platforms designed to connect people, organizations, and businesses through social interactions. Users can interact using text, images and audiovisual media. Major social networking sites include: * Facebook *Twitter * LinkedIn * Youtube * flickr Traditional media (such as radio or newspapers) present…



There are two sets of accounting rules accepted for international use: US standards called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and international standards known as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The first is developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), whose power is derived from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The second…