
Train your pet mouse

While it is usually the rats that are trained, it is quite possible to train your pet mouse as well. In fact, these little creatures can be some of the funniest pets once they’re trained. You can have them do things like sit in a shirt pocket or on your shoulder while you move around…


Final Fantasy 3 – When the magic disappeared forever

Long ago, evil beings created powerful creatures called espers and unleashed them on each other. The resulting battles left their world a smoking rubble. Legend has it that the espers destroyed themselves and most of humanity. The magic disappeared forever. Centuries have passed and now a rational world exists with espers living only in myth,…


Why is Twitter so popular?

To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question. There is no denying that Twitter is a social media phenomenon. Let’s be honest; once Oprah jumped on the Twitter bandwagon in April of this year (2009), you knew it was probably something you should check out. Although it was originally intended to help teens…

Home Kitchen

Ecological Ceramic Tiles

When it comes to flooring, ceramic tile is a substance of choice for designers and homeowners as it is not only available in an endless variety of colors, finishes and patterns, but it is also considered to be environmentally friendly. . Due to their long lifespan, tiles need to be replaced less frequently, which means…