
What are dental implants and when are they used?

Dental implants – that’s a term most people haven’t heard before. In fact, most people assume that dental implants are simply things that dentists implant, for example fillings. But dental implants are something very specific, very important, very complicated and very expensive. Well, the part of the expenses is still relative depending on the dentist…

Health Fitness

you don’t know jack

It doesn’t matter if you call it horse mackerel, beach tuna, black mackerel, or just plain old Jack, the crevalle jack is one of the funniest and most commonly found pelagic fish in the salty waters of Mississippi. These medium-sized coastal maulers are fun to catch, hearty, and taste great. What is a Jack? Classified…


What is the 25th reason you can’t find love?

The 25th reason you can’t find love is because you don’t understand the opposite sex. We are told so many lies about the opposite sex when we are children. We are told that girls are innocent and made of sugar, spices and all things good. Boys are made of puppy tails and dirt. Then they…