Digital Marketing

Market your photography business

Setting up your own photography business is easy, you don’t need office space, you can do it from your own home. However, this is not the easiest type of business to market, especially if you are new to the business. Very often, to market this type of business, you need specialized contacts, and your novelty…


How to chart your path to greatness

It’s true that things can go wrong in the world for other people, but if you can’t change it for other people, you should do it yourself. The Bible says in Psalms 34:19 “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” You can live above the challenges….

Health Fitness

Can Rapid Weight Loss Cause Back Pain?

It is well established that being overweight or obese increases the chances of experiencing low back pain. With that in mind, it makes sense to view weight loss as a back pain treatment. However, rapid weight loss can cause back pain in a number of ways. Malnutrition Rapid weight loss diets often revolve around the…

Lifestyle Fashion

Do you relax before bed?

Sleep has been a problem for a long time. Even before the coronavirus, 90% of adults said they were not getting enough sleep and, in 2018, a survey found that stress and sleep-related problems cost UK companies £ 40bn. 25% of adults struggle with insomnia on Sunday nights, clearly showing that worries about the next…