The happiest moment of the trip of your life?

School days should be a happy time in a young person’s life. What can make people’s lives a pittance during this time?? In my opinion, there is one word that answers this question: bullying.

Unfortunately, Bullying is quite common in the schools where I live. It can affect students of any age, both boys and girls. A friend of mine I had a very negative experience at school last year when an older boy continually insulted him and sometimes used to post nasty messages about him on Facebook. Obviously, my friend was very upset by this and it affected his self-confidence. Some days, he didn’t want to come to school at all.

What can people do to stop this problem? PersonallyI think teachers need to be aware that bullying may be happening in their classes and be very strict when they have a bullying case. Another thing the teacher could do is prepare lessons to talk about the problem with their students, which could make the bullies realize how much they hurt their victims. As for students, if they find out that a classmate is being bullied, they should support them as much as possible and let a teacher know.

There are many students who insult other students or others who try to put someone in conflict. They find it like a game, but they don’t know how that has affected psychology or self-confidence. I think teachers should be very strict about this problem and should try to solve the problem and inform parents of bullied and bullied students. However, even we should do something to make the victim feel better. We can stay with them and help them get through these difficult situations. If we were all against bullying, I think bullies would not repeat this behavior. Bullying is a nightmare, as it is written at the end of the magazine, so we must get up immediately. (figuratively)

Bullying online has a lot in common with bullying. Both behaviors include bullying, humiliation, teasing, and aggression. Bullying presents unique challenges in that the perpetrator may attempt to remain anonymous and attacks can occur at any time of the day or night.

Bullying can be a nightmare, but there are things we can do to prevent it. I wish, someday all students will be able to go to school without fear of being bullied.

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