The Frisian Vikings of Atlantis 3000 BC C.

Let’s correct some wrong story. Our northern European ancestors were not barbarians. In fact, they were very civilized, traded with the world and wrote to the Greeks.

In 1600 BC there was a very active trade between the Frisians (North Europeans) and the Phoenicians, whom they called “Kadhhmar” or “inhabitants of the coast”.

From there to Greece. Even the Greeks say that their writing was not their own invention. It was introduced to them by Kadmus, the Phoenician. Who received it from the Frisians.

Many of today’s religious scholars believe that our northern European ancestors were barbarians and did not have a written language of their own. Incorrect!

They say that the Greek alphabet is related to the Hebrew alphabet. Not so! The form of the Greek letters differs greatly from the Hebrew script.

Where did the Greek alphabet come from? From the Frisian people. The Aryan Frisian people were great colonizers with large fleets. They colonized India, interacted with the Greeks and the other Mediterranean peoples and with the British Isles.

The Fries use prisoners of war to work tin mines in southern Britain. They brought with them in their colonization exclusions a Teutonic moral and legal code called TEX.

Atlantis, which sank under the waves around 2300 BC. C., was the home of the Frisians. They were called Hyperboreans by the ancient Greeks. This meant “people of the north wind, the Norse who traded with them for iron and amber.”

There were many islands off the Frisian coast that were left under the waves. They had powerful fleets and advanced technology.

If you look at the modern coastline of the Netherlands, you can see the remaining Frisian islands with a missing section of the mainland.

So the writing of the Greeks came from our northern European peoples, not from the desert dwellers.

Both the Macedonians and Alexander the Great are descendants of the Frisian people.

We live in a time when the powers of the future are teaching our children a genocidal education that would kill our culture, our pride and our memory.

But like the Frisians of yore, our northern European peoples were known for their advanced cities, large commercial centers, and advanced culture.

Ourancsto5s lived in North Atlantis, Plato knew about it and wrote about it.

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