Exercises at home that keep you ready for the surf season all year long

Surfing is one of the most challenging sports you have ever tried. It is one of the few that forces you to use almost all parts of your body at once. And there is no rest. Once you are in the water, you are in. You’ll have to swim and paddle, catch a wave, then balance on a wet board that sails at several knots per hour above the surface of the water, twisting and turning as you do so. And when you fall, you have to get back on that board in the middle of the waves.

Preparing for surfing and staying in good shape takes effort. It may seem like the best way to do this is to surf more often, but that’s not practical for many of us. The good news is that there are many common exercises you can do at home to help you stay in shape, prevent injuries, and be ready to hit the waves when the opportunity arises.

A full body workout

Surfing provides a total body workout. That means any workout you do needs to focus on your entire body, not just rowing or balancing, for example. One thing that makes surfing unique is the way the body functions as a single unit. All parts are intertwined and must work together effectively to surf. You will need to balance and rotate your torso or legs. You will need to swim and get on your board. This makes your training requirements a bit different than just hitting the machines. The best surf workouts will incorporate movement between body parts and make them work together.

There are four focus areas for any surf workout routine: arms and shoulders, balance and legs, core, and endurance. Let’s take a look at some exercises you can do at home that will improve each of these areas.

Arm and shoulder exercises for surfing

The arms are used much more than the legs in this sport. You’ll need to swim to your spot first and then paddle until you can catch a wave. Once you fall off the board or ride the wave until it breaks, you are back in the water trying to avoid being pushed, stay clear of breaks, and get out of the way of other surfers. Strong arms and shoulders are a must. Try them to increase the potency of the paddle.

Dumbbell push-ups.

Kettlebell swings.

Dumbbell row.

Dumbbell shoulder rotations.

Balance exercises and legs

Your legs must be strong and stable. Even so, they will wobble after you’ve been in the surf for a while. Make them stronger and get a better balance by incorporating these activities into your routine. Add a medicine ball or do the stationary exercises on a BOSU for an added challenge.

Balance exercises with one leg.

Squats down.

Shoulder press lunge.

Basic exercises

Your core is essential to be able to navigate with speed and power. It must be strong but flexible. Try exercises that build core strength and help you rotate freely. Remember, the core is more than just your abs. A strong back and lateral muscles are just as important for balance as your abdominal muscles.


Back extensions.

Stability ball throws.

Bird dogs.

Resistance exercises

Surfing requires resistance from the whole body. You never know when an especially strong wave will come hitting you or what kinds of currents you might face. Interval training is the way to go to develop this type of endurance. When you think about it, surfing is very much interval training. You’ll find yourself casually paddling one moment and the next, you’re giving it your all, trying to catch a wave.

Trot-sprint intervals.

Intervals to jump rope.

To swim.

When you can’t hit the waves, these exercises are a great substitute for keeping your body ready to surf. By adding them to your workouts, you will become a better surfer and experience fewer injuries, adding to a better surfing experience.

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