Lifestyle Fashion

Toxic mold and weight gain

The most common toxic mold health problems involve the respiratory system. A person who has accidentally inhaled common mold spores may experience coughing, wheezing, runny nose, fever, headaches, and fatigue. You may also get a rash and mild eye irritation. However, someone who has been exposed to toxic mold may have more serious complaints. It…

Lifestyle Fashion

Sheikh Palazzi and the Apostle Paul

Congratulations on your interview in Frontpage magazine! I am very happy that it receives such conservative coverage. It’s great. With that said, let me correct a misunderstanding you have about my Jewish Christian brother, Paul. You wrote: “When Paul of Tarsus converted to Christianity, he began to understand Christianity in a very different way. There…

Lifestyle Fashion

Sleep deprivation and weight gain

Sleep needs vary by age and are especially affected by lifestyle and health. Researchers can’t pinpoint the exact amount of sleep that people of different ages need. However, sleep requirements vary from person to person, even in the same age group. There is a big difference between the amount of sleep one can get and…

Lifestyle Fashion

Christian errors about life after death

Why can one believe that we survive death? The human mind survives bodily death because subjective consciousness is not part of objective physical reality. Also, because every mind has the ability to shape itself in a way that transcends the natural effects of ‘nature and nurture’. This is possible because human beings have an inner…