Health Fitness

10 minute workout secrets

One of the biggest hurdles I have to navigate with parents who are interested in losing weight and how to lose belly fat is the question that revolves around my 10 minute workouts. They want to know if 10 minute workouts are long enough. They want to know if they can really lose belly fat…

Health Fitness

Basic purpose of fasting

The basic purpose of fasting is that we can feel the pain of poor people who do not have the maximum resources to buy food. They go the whole day without eating or drinking. There are millions of people in the country who regularly sleep hungry. There is no one who can help them and…

Health Fitness

The 5 X 5 Training Program

Sometimes we all fall into a rut or get stuck and look for a rut to shake things up and kick start the gains. And often when this happens, guys start looking for the newest “hot” routine they see in a magazine. But more often than not, the answer is not found in the new…

Health Fitness

Adventures in Israeli Couscous

Israeli couscous is a small, round semolina pasta not to be confused with the tiny yellow couscous of North Africa; it’s a completely different animal! Sometimes called pearl couscous or maftoul, it resembles barley or very small white peas. After being shaped and rolled into small balls, these semolina pearls are toasted in an open…

Health Fitness

Metabolic accident: has this happened to you?

Metabolic crash is a very common thing that occurs with anyone trying to lose weight, including fitness competitors. It happens so frequently that it has become the norm and even accepted within the fitness industry. The truth is that it is not acceptable, the “gurus” and “expert” trainers are ruining people’s lives and health for…