
Is a Yorkshire Terrier the perfect dog for you?

The combination of a few small terrier breeds created the original rodent control engineers for the mines and factories in Yorkshire, England. Yorkshire Terriers are the epitome of yin and yang rolled into one. Their keen hearing, independent nature and tenacity make them a fearless warrior, protecting their home and family one minute and a…


I abandon hope all those who are depressed

A few years ago, after coming out of a long and deep bout of depression, a friend asked me how I did it. My answer was simple … “I gave up.” His frantic response was, “NO, NO, NO! You can’t give up! That’s what helps you get through! You must have hope!” The basic truth,…


What is stereoisomerism?

What is stereoisomerism? Stereoisomerism, also known as spatial isomerism, is a kind of isomerism in which molecules have the same chemical formula and bound atom sequence (constitution), but their atoms are oriented differently in three dimensions in space. This is in contrast to structural isomers, which have the same chemical formula but change in their…


How to Sell on Amazon for Beginners

There is more than one way to make money selling on Amazon. I’m going to talk about the main ones in this article. First of all, Amazon Marketplace. Marketplace offers you the opportunity to sell products (not just books, but a wide range of things) on the same page of the Amazon website where Amazon…